Thursday, November 18, 2010

Parker's Big (New) Adventure

Clearing it first with the owner, I took Parker with me when I got my hair done. And he was perfect! Several people wanted to pet him, which he took -- stoically -- keeping focused on me the whole time. Then he curled up at my feet, snug in a corner. Best part -- I dropped his lead while I was paying and he walked up to another customer and laid his head onto her lap! Happily, she was dog-smart, and just gently stroked his head while crooning to him about how lovely he was.

Then it was a happy hop into the car and off to Pets Mart. He met a little three month old Cocker Spaniel in the parking lot, carefully *not* stepping on it while it smelled his boy parts and then turned and gave him a big lick on the nose. That set Parker up for a happy walk into the store where we bought a ball with a handle (he helped pick it out) and back home again.

A good day.

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