Thanksgiving was a busy time, with two separate celebrations. My youngest was here Tuesday and Wednesday, but had to leave Thursday morning for Afghanistan, so he got his dinner Wednesday, and we invited some friends to join us. My daughter showed up Wednesday evening so she could say good-bye to her brother. The final kid arrived Friday morning with wife and five children.
It was Parker’s first introduction to children and I was very proud of him. Okay, maybe he was just too scared to move, but at least he didn’t react with snarls and growls. Instead he ran away from them when he could and sought out Mike or me when he couldn’t.
However, with a house full of guests, Parker’s training took a backseat. Beyond the requirement to sit before going through a door, we didn’t do any training at all, which was quite evident when I got out the clicker and treats yesterday to do some reinforcement of “Come” in a new room. Mostly what I got was a dog sitting, with his head cocked, apparently wondering why I didn’t just hand over the good stuff and get on with it.
Hence -- back to square one.
It is good to take breaks from training from time to time.